.NET Core on Raspberry PI

I’ve been trying to reproduce the instructions on this german page, however to no success. My thinking is that if I can get .net core running on my pi, then when the Octavo module launches, I’ll have a strategy to get .net core on that device already.


Has anyone tried to get .net core running on Debian?


Music to my ears :slight_smile:


Hum… ok should have been more specific. Has anyone gotten mono to install on RPi.

Ohhhh yeah - I use this all the time. Use your favorite package installer. I recommend doing your development using monodevelop or VS on a full-fledged system and just installing the runtime on your RPi. Trying to run monodevelop on RPi is punishingly slow. Copy source or compiled binaries to your RPi with samba, nfs, ftp, etc… I tend to just mount a shared dir from my development PC on the RPi using samba.

The apt-get packages (debian) are:
mono-develop (sufficient for compiling)
mono-complete (includes mono-develop, plus all the core assemblies you’ll ever need)
monodevelop (the monodevelop IDE, which I believe also includes mono-complete)

@ mcalsyn - Thanks for the pointers.

I had mono running for a while on a Raspi. For ‘normal’ software this works fine, but I couldn’t find a way to access all the interfaces like I2C e.g… I played around with an Intel Edison some time ago, there also were libraries (MRAA) that could be imported into Visual Studio to get the interfaces running. But I found it a bit complicated to get the underlying linux running propperly, so I came somehow to NetMF that is way easier I think :).

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@ glx - [quote]so I came somehow to NetMF that is way easier I think[/quote]

Welcome to the “right” side of development. :slight_smile:

Yes you are right, NETMF is way easier to use.

And welcome to the forum.

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@ glx - So in your experience, when it comes to interfacing with the outside world, it is much easier to slave a NETMF device, than a device with an Operating System.

There has been some interfacing/device connection attemps to make it easy. But you can also go the cool way: [url]http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/drivers_linux[/url]

My answer would be ‘it depends’. In the past, I have just used P/Invoke bindings to get to things that existed only in native code (including low-level device control). So it depends on which thing is harder to develop : the PInvoke binders you need so you can use something you need in Linux+full-fledged Mono; or the something you need in Mono that you must port so that you can use NETMF. The balance between those will drive you toward NETMF or Mono.

Mh I tought especially when using C#, because I couldn’t find much informations how to access the external interfaces on non-windows-devices and/or there were no device-specific drivers implemented, Or let’s say, that makes it easier to develop on the GHI-boards, maybe not NETMF in general. So GHI did a very good and nice work :)…
But I also have to say that I’m not as experienced as some of you guys here, so that also might be also part of the reason ;)…

Well, I finally manged to get that up and running. Now on to the remote debugger (if it exists).

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