Hi Everyone,
I need to perform data logging of 8 sensors at 100Hz. These sensors send float data over ethernet as UDP streams by packet of 20 samples every 200ms. The length of each stream is of size 140 bytes. Here’s the code I wrote to extract data and write it to a file:
public static void poll_socket_data(ref UsuVal[] tab_v)
if (_server_data != null)
while (_server_data.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead))
var bufferin = new byte[_server_data.Available];
_server_data.ReceiveFrom(bufferin, ref ServerEndPoint_data);
vu = (bufferin[7] & 0x1E) >> 1;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 77; )
tab_val[j] = ToFloat(bufferin, 18 + i);
i = i + 4;
v = "";
for (int z = 0; z < 20; z++)
v += ";" + tab_val[z];
cpt[(vu - 1) * 2 + bufferin[8] - 1]++;
Debug.Print(cpt[0] + "\t" + cpt[1] + "\t" + cpt[2] + "\t" + cpt[3] + "\t" + cpt[4] + "\t" + cpt[5] + "\t" + cpt[6] + "\t" + cpt[7]);
s+=vu+";"+ bufferin[8] +";"+ "20" + BitConverter.ToUInt16(bufferin, 10) + "\\" + bufferin[12] + "\\" + bufferin[13] + ";" + bufferin[14] + ":" + bufferin[15] + ":" + bufferin[16] + "," + (1000 - (bufferin[17] * 1000) / 256) + v;
/* foreach (OpSense_Sensor o in op_sensor_list)
if (o.canal_op == bufferin[8] && o.mid == vu)
Sdc.SDC_write_line_minimal("LOG\\OpSense.csv", s);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception in Poll_socket_data" + e.Message + "\t" + e.StackTrace);
public static void SDC_write_line_minimal(string fileName, string line)
using (var sw = new StreamWriter("\\SD\\" + fileName, true))
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception" + e + "while writing " + line + " in " + fileName);
The applicaition is manly composed of a main loop performing other data measurement and logging tasks. In this loop I am colling the function poll_socket_data. This does not work well, only few second after starting, the number of messages available on the socket is too big and I do not succeed to write on the file fast enough.
Any help would be appreciate