I think you’d have to handle that processing yourself because you’d need to combine data from the gyros and accelerometers. The 9DOF (http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9623) has a processor on-board that can handle some of those tasks for you, but I don’t think the firmware that ships on it does much except simple filtering and packaging the data to the UART.
You also might want to consider the Pololu CHR-6d and -6dm IMUs (top two products on this page): [url]http://www.pololu.com/catalog/category/80[/url] Check out Pololu’s videos of them in action. I don’t have either of these but they look promising.
@ Chris et al, the “-6dm” includes a 3-axis compass with calibration. I guess the “m” means “Magnetometer.” The name is confusing and IMO they should have called it the “-9d” instead.