Need help On connecting Vibrator using Motor Controlling Module to FEX SPIDER

Hi , I am going to build a device which include vibrator (mobile phone vibrators), So i need to Know how can I connect those vibrator via motor controlling module and also i need to make some vibrating pattern according to the input value (if we enter 1 it vibrate only one,if we enter 2 it vibrate 2 times and so on… at least 5 times) in here am Using FEZ SPIDER MAIN BOARD Please help me on these…any one familiar with this?

What part of your project are you having trouble with?

Approach it by breaking down the problem.

  1. how do you control a phone vibrating motor? Do you just need to connect it to power or a PWM signal etc etc.

  2. how do you get a phone vibrating motor connected to a Fez Spider? The answer to 1 will help figure this out, plus knowing what connectors (Extender Module for instance) you have will help figure out how the physical connection will work

  3. how do you control the motor from code?

  4. how do you take input from the user?

  5. how do you wrap all these together to make your app complete?

In here am using motor controlling module to connect vibrator with the FEZ Spider,and am input signal from web server,

so you’re sorted then?

For a vibration motor you really do not need a motor driver. I have used a couple of ULN2803 darlinton arrays to drive 16 vibration motors on a FEZ based project. They are very simple to use.

@ brett ,yes i sorted it but not all,i need to know the method of doing that because I dont use vibrator befor with FEZ Spider…help me on this … @ Jeff_Birt i need to do this only using FEZ spider and related modules because my whole device is using those modules…

hey any one there for help me in this problem, if any one try with vibrator please help me As soon AS possible… am waiting

you said you had it sorted !

You can use all the pieces on the code site to control what you want. All you need to do is assemble it.