Multicopter NOT down

very optimized control algorithm :open_mouth:

Impressive and really helpful, for example you see folks using these to inspect high voltage power line where bad can go to really bad quickly if there is a control issue

You know … For 33.000,00 euro … :’(

i know…but want to have…please

That’s cool. But I got suckered into clicking another video at the end which still has me in awe…

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Seeing as you posted a motorsport related one Ian, here’s one for all the American petrol heads who will, I am sure, recognise this guy. They put him in the passenger seat of an Aussie V8 Supercar and punted him around Bathurst, probably one of the worlds greatest race tracks (and my all time favourite with 6 race visits under my belt - and I’ve driven it in a V8 too, albeit at road speeds but still awesome)


@ Dave McLaughlin - Hillarious! :smiley: