I was wondering what the file transfer rate is estimated to be . I need to move files between a SD a USB card at the fastest rate possible for a data file collection application.
the board do not have USB host so how are you planning on connecting USB drive?
You can use ALFAT for such need, which will give you about 4000Bytes/sec http://www.ghielectronics.com/catalog/category/4/
Not sure just seeing what is the fastest board . I current built a proof of concept application using the Spider, but the transfer rate was to slow. I need to be able to transfer ~ 8 MB of data from a USB drive to the SD card quickly with graphical feedback to the user. I am new to the hardware application field and need to find out what would work the best.
The application i am trying to build will be used for collecting data from a type of medical monitoring equipment that stores the data on a USB drive. I want the Nurses to be able to transfer the data to a location that i can then collect when i come up to the unit. This will free up the limited number of USB drives that are available and also keep the data separated by patient, which is a big deal.
Thanks for your help
NETMF devices do a lot more than just file system alone so they may not be the fastest, where ALFAT is dedicated 100% to one thing. ALFAT has a built in copy command that get you about 4000KBytes/sec.
But ALFAT needs a micro to give it commands. You can use any microcontroller for that and if you prefer, you can even use any NETMF device. The NETMF device will only be sending a command to ALFAT instructing it to copy a file. You will not be using the file system support in the NETMF device.
If you are using a NETMF device, spider fro example, you will get about 200KBytes/sec.