Motor Driver module?

I’m hoping that someone from GHI can comment on when we might see a motor driver module?

In the meantime, has anyone had success using something like the Grove I2C motor driver from SeeedStudio?


[quote]I’m hoping that someone from GHI can comment on when we might see a motor driver module?
In 2 days :slight_smile:

Any chance other modules will also be available in 2 days? Like zigbee perhaps?


I hope GHI does not forget the non-Gadgeteer geeks :wink:

I REALLY hope so too.
Gus said earlier that FEZ would not be dropped, I hope it is true. :wink:

Why are you not a gadgeteerer yet? Cost? If so, no problem will make it cheap for you :wink:

How can we drop FEZ? FEZ is in gadgeteer world and in the arduino world, and with very strong foundations and some awesome community :slight_smile: While I personally believe Gadgeteer and its moduels are the future, we now have plenty of users with “shieds” and they like them :slight_smile:

[quote]Why are you not a gadgeteerer yet? Cost? If so, no problem will make it cheap for you Wink
I would only get one to get familiar with it and provide support on the forum to other users, thats all.

Gus, I’m with you there but only for playing/prototyping. I don’t see Gadgeteer being used in semi-final/hobby end products (if you know what i mean) I know I can build my own pcb, and stick a USBizi on it, but the form factor of the Rhino/Mini(if it had more io’s exposed) is perfect for that. Panda/Domino and Arduino’s alike are just suitable for hobby end products.

Gadgeteer seems to me to be suited to the “playing/prototyping/shield-user” people, and USBizi/EMX/ChipworkX seems to me to fit everyone else.

Personally, while I don’t see much value in continuing the Arduino-alikes (Gadgeteer is a better Arduino than Arduino, and an “Arduino shield module” would be fairly trivial to implement), I DO hope GHI continues to make “module” type products available, and not only in the high-end (ChipworkX and EMX) lines.

I never said gadgeteer will replace emx module or usbizi :slight_smile: I was comparing the very limited arduino shields to the endless gadgeteer modules.

Maybe to early, but can someone show some pictures of a Fez Spider being used in a semi-final product? That could make me change my mind :wink:

A gadgeteer board will not usually be used in a final product, at least not in high volume. The same is true for FEZ Panda.

You would start with gadgeteer and then switch to single board for high volume. I have explained this in the last chapter in the new gadgeteer book. Take a look :slight_smile: