More documentation for Azure

Trying to follow this tutorial.

I have:

Replace “password” with a string that starts with “SharedAccessSignature sr=…”.
where is this in Azure?

There are shared access policies, which has access key and connection string
Like this: “xDyELoA4d1qd4BpY47JrGKaKS9RwCtNjJgYoLArp/uE=”
Like this: “;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=xDyELoA4d1qd4BpY47JrGKaKS9RwCtNjJgYoLArp/uE=”

Device has this:;DeviceId=yourdevice;SharedAccessKey=IbEBViUjrIL3hJ5/Xilqu4kWadQLZtAM25Iy4qRbXpY=

what authentication type to choose?
i can update the documentation to be more precise once i figure out how to do this

There is a nice tutorial to use Azure IoT from microcontrollers in C++.
It should be not too difficult to port this App to TinyCLR.

It does not work for me either. I keep getting ConnectReturnCode 5 (NotAuthorized)

I believe Microsoft Doc docs about this, but easier if you download this tool to generate it:

Microsoft seems provide new tool so you can use but I haven’t used it yet.
Any way, you need Generate SAS token and copy it, use it as password.

And, keep in mind about this , it will be happened in next few days.

Thanks. Now it works. :slight_smile:

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Great! Would be nice if you could post a little example project (or link to a Github repo) which shows how it works in TinyCLR.

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Just like the tutorial but with these modifications

I downloaded Baltimore CyberTrust Root Certificate *.pem file from here.
Then uploaded the Certificate to Azure.

Then added a string value resource with the certificate
(Open the *.pem file with notepad)

var caCert = new X509Certificate(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.BaltimoreRootCA))));

var iotHubName = “”;

var password = @"SharedAccessSignature

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We will add a couple of notes to docs to make easier for everyone. Thanks.

I am not sure if this step is necessary ?

Can you show us where you got this instruction?

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Correct. I think it was some leftovers from a desperate try to make it work. :slight_smile:
I deleted the certificate from Azure, and it is still working.


All Cloud Support Tutorials have been updated with better instructions in Docs.


What about IFTTT :nerd_face: @Greg_Norris

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Aren’t they terminal now, given that they have started charging for non-trivial implementations?

I didn’t know that. We will check…

ok so I may have attempted to predict the future, but their business model was recently (~1 month) changed and now you can have only 3 automations to remain “free”. So there’s not much benefit in using them any longer, in my view. Sure, some people will pay for the logic platform, but I won’t…

IFTTT is currently offering a pricing promo for their Pro service until Oct 31st… You set the price you’ll pay forever, as long as your account is active. As little as $1.99 per month. Everyone after Oct 31st will have to pay a minimum of $3.99 per month which they lowered from the original announced cost of $9.99 per month.

I used to use them but it meant a delay when something was to be switched on and if your internet was down, nothing works. I switched everything over to Node-red and kept as much as possible internal to the home network. My Alexa devices are the only ones that require external connection but I can still do things manually without it and just lose voice control.

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