Replace “password” with a string that starts with “SharedAccessSignature sr=…”.
where is this in Azure?
There are shared access policies, which has access key and connection string
Like this: “xDyELoA4d1qd4BpY47JrGKaKS9RwCtNjJgYoLArp/uE=”
Like this: “;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=xDyELoA4d1qd4BpY47JrGKaKS9RwCtNjJgYoLArp/uE=”
ok so I may have attempted to predict the future, but their business model was recently (~1 month) changed and now you can have only 3 automations to remain “free”. So there’s not much benefit in using them any longer, in my view. Sure, some people will pay for the logic platform, but I won’t…
IFTTT is currently offering a pricing promo for their Pro service until Oct 31st… You set the price you’ll pay forever, as long as your account is active. As little as $1.99 per month. Everyone after Oct 31st will have to pay a minimum of $3.99 per month which they lowered from the original announced cost of $9.99 per month.
I used to use them but it meant a delay when something was to be switched on and if your internet was down, nothing works. I switched everything over to Node-red and kept as much as possible internal to the home network. My Alexa devices are the only ones that require external connection but I can still do things manually without it and just lose voice control.