Modules and a Gadgeteer comeback!

Devious mind says: Program him with a HID keyboard profile so that he can stealthily take over the computer when a child finds him and plugs him into dad’s computer.

I must learn to not let the intrusive thoughts win.

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I did this years a go but it would randomly move the mouse. It drove people absolutely insane. Now I want to do it again!!


Green or White?

White. Easier to read.


Nah, let the intrusive thoughts win.

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I prefer white.

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Brainpad was white … Oh, it’s not brainpad ! But it can be white

what about this? I like the front black but the back looks better in white I think.

Is this a learner (edu) board ?

How about including a tiny stepper and DC motor ? maybe a potentiometer and an encoder ? :person_shrugging:

Go on…you know you want to :joy:


White is more readable I think.

Other than getting all my PCB’s done with JLC, I’ve been using the JLCCNC service for some projects. The quality and time is excellent. I also use PCBWAY for CNC as they offer additional materials and folded chassis. Anodised aluminium frame work in champagne and LED frames in red anodised aliminium. Rear is ABS.


CNC service? That is something I want to try!

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I designed with my colleges a drop camera for subsea inspection and apart from the end dome, we got the metalwork made by JLC and PCBWAY. The 2 moulds were made by PCBWAY.

The camera is rated for 500 meters depth with a 180 deg angle of view. 2 LED’s are remote controlled via the Ethernet link (we use powerline comms to extend this to 500 meters twisted pair) and RS485 from the camera.

PS. The processor onboard the custom PCB stack is a GHI Electronics SCM20100.



Impressive. We world interview you in my videos :grin:

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