I bought a 4GB MicroSDHC card and I can’t access it from my Domino. I’m suspecting that the Domino can’t read the new “HC” cards and that I’ll have to get a non-HC version instead.
Am I correct? (Card works in a USB reader that I have, but it specifically supports the HC variety.)
I have found that some cards require a pause between the time which you mount the file system and the time you try to use it. For one card I have it was about 2 seconds of delay was needed (so I have added three seconds in my code.)
PersistentStorage sdPS = new PersistentStorage("SD");
Thread.Sleep(3000); // some cards will cause a crash without a delay
I am asking about kingstone because we notice that this kind withdraw relatively higher power causing the power line on the SD_PWR to go down.
To lower the impact of that, only If you have experience with electronics, you can add 10uF Capacitor in parallel with C10.
Or better keep using the different kind.
On the other hand, SDHC is supported with all FEZ boards.