Meeting to discuss the new FEZ

The new FEZ is near complete but we want to get your input and comments. So, if you are interested, we will have a conference call to talk about the new FEZ.

Meeting starts Friday July 16th at 1PM EST(UTC-5). Meeting will last for about one hour.

You must be FEZ Junior or FEZ Senior to be allowed to join in (We thank our active members again)

If interested, please send an email with your display name on this forum to ghielec@ ghi…(see email on Company – GHI Electronics)

sorry, cannot join. I am at work. :frowning:

Yes I expect most will be busy at work :frowning: but we have to get this new FEZ project moving forward

Not a very good time in Europe for a meeting :wink: If I understand the time, it will give 7PM here (Paris time) and it’s cocktail time :stuck_out_tongue: As you know, the French do not joke with this :wink:

Anyway, if you could post (or send by mail) a quick summary for the poor guys that can’t participate, then I would be very grateful. I may even send you a gift ! :stuck_out_tongue:

That is my lunch time so it works out well for me. Email sent…

sorry wont be able to make it today. I am loking forward to the new board though. Still spend way to much time working on the cobra :>

I’ll be there.

I can try to join in passive :). I can hear and type.

It is almost 1:00PM so may be it is late to join - sent the email to ghi



I sent an email to Gus at first, then the ghielec address. GHI,are Rajesh and I confirmed for the meeting?