What is the maximum voltage for Vbat? The spec says max is 3.6V but it also says the absolute max value is 4.6V.
So, can I power it directly from a Lipo that charges to 4.2V or not?
What is the maximum voltage for Vbat? The spec says max is 3.6V but it also says the absolute max value is 4.6V.
So, can I power it directly from a Lipo that charges to 4.2V or not?
I’ve powered a Panda II RTC through VBAT with the lithium ion coin cell that SparkFun sells [url]http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10319[/url] without issue… or at least, without an obvious issue…
Let us know if you successfully use a bigger lipo.
@ ransomhall. Nice… How long did it run on that battery?
I lost patience testing that at about 3 days, so have never got a max number… in theory, it would go a lot longer, on the order of months. Doing the math suggests over a year, but that is extremely “theoretical”.
I would stick with 3.6V max
So I will be forced to add an ultra low current vreg to my already cramped hex walker PCB…