Maker fair Detroit 2012

Thd fair was great. We sold too many FEZes we will need more stock for tomorrow.

My favorite was to finally meet Raj in person. A true genteel man for sure. We went by GHI and he got to see the new boards no one has seen :wink:

I also want to thank the GHI team for doing a fantastic job.

Want pictures of the fair? Ask Raj as he is the camera guy :slight_smile:

Hey Raj! How about posting some pics of those ā€œboards no one has seenā€? Gus told us to ask so it must be OK! :wink:

Congrats to GHI & Detroit for a good show.

It was an awesome trip. Gus is awesome on TinyCLR and and a 100 times (or more) awesome in person.

I will put up some the the photos from the Faire shorlty.

As for those boards ā€¦ no photographs yet ā€¦ I donā€™t want to spoil it for anyoneā€¦

ā€¦ Gus has been telling us that the G120 is small but all I can say is that it is really really small ā€¦ :slight_smile:

the pipeline is HOT ā€¦ stay tuned.

I donā€™t want to be shot for saying anything more :slight_smile:

We (some of us) already saw a photo of one.

Some photos from the Faire, had to choose those that may not need consent to post :slight_smile:

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The last image above is the FEZ monkey riding on a giant muffin !

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I recognize the poster :smiley:

. Looks like kids enjoy that DDR!

Cupcake ridinā€™ monkey is * definitely* the nicest shot! Gotta get somebody in a FEZ monkey costume riding on various MF machinesā€¦

Is that Josh in the last - 1 picture? Looks like heā€™s really trying to sell something. Did ā€œGadgeteerā€ ever come up in that conversation? :wink:

Doesnā€™t look like Josh. But he sure has some support (picture #1) :wink:

No josh never made it there. He was busy all weekend doing the thing I secretly emailed some about :wink:

:smiley: I didnā€™t notice that. That might explain her look in picture #5 in the background :smiley:

@ Gus, I just noticed the game in those pics. That is cool, I hope the kids enjoyed it. Did it take a lot of reworking of the code to work with the Video Out module?

The game was probably the most popular demo we had there by far. The code was well structured and simple to understand, which made it a 1.5 line change to make it work with the Video Out module. This is all that was changed for the video side:

var surface = (Bitmap)(video_Out.SimpleGraphics.GetType().GetField("_display", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(video_Out.SimpleGraphics));

@ Steven - That is good to hear, thank you. Are you going to share the code for the DDR Input Provider?

He already did :slight_smile: take the original packman code and add the couple lines he provided. If he gives you the whole project then it is not a challenge and where is the fun in that? :wink:

Do you have a link for that DDR mat?

The mat came with xbox DDR game but I have seen some being sold lose before

If you guys are looking fro the code to read XBOX controller,

Interesting we write this code if I remember correctly but website shows MarkH as the owner! I remember we used USB analyzer to try to reverse engineer it. Maybe it was something else? Anyway, you have the code now!

@ Gus - Thanks Gus, I think you might have misunderstood my question. The couple of line Steven provided are for the VideoOut module, I was referring to the code for the DDR mat.

Since I wrote the Pacman, I am not so much looking for the fun :slight_smile: I just wanted to see what the code for the DDR input looked like.