I have a Dagu Magician Chassis with a DFRobot 1A Motor Shield For Arduino in a Cerbuino Bee and everytime I start the robot, the left weel is steering.
const Cpu.Pin LeftMotorDirectionPin = FEZCerbuino.Pin.Digital.D7;
const Cpu.PWMChannel LeftMotorPWMPin = FEZCerbuino.Pin.PWM.D6;
PWM leftMotorPower;
OutputPort leftMotorDir;
leftMotorPower = new PWM(LeftMotorPWMPin, 1000, 0, false);
leftMotorDir = new OutputPort(LeftMotorDirectionPin, false);
After I instanciate the code above, the weel stops.
Even when I deploy an empty solution with only a debug.
How can I stop this from happening?