Lost Files

Some time ago I developed a project, a weather station. But I lost my laptop where I had the entire file (Codes in C#).
My question: Is it possible to recover the file from the motherboard (Fez Spider)?

Recover as C#. I dont want to say impossible and get shot at… so I will say “difficult”

It’s impossible. At best you can get back the IL and try to decompile it; however there is no way to download the program from a netmf device that is supported out of the box.

@ paulrech - the project looks interesting. Consider codeshare next time, they will take a backup once in while (I think)… :wink:

Yikes, codeshare is NOT a backup strategy. Consider a real source hosting solution (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket are my favorites) as a primary backup, and have an additional location as well.

Remember, a wise man said, “if you haven’t tested your backup strategy, you don’t have a backup strategy.”

GHI, a suggestion; instead of hosting code yourself in Codeshare, consider instead allowing users to point a codeshare entry to the source repository (probably GitHub, as that’s by far the most popular). That way, you encourage users to put the code where it’s forkable and viewable, and it saves you from having to be in the source code hosting business (and no offence, but pretty much everyone else is doing it better than you).


^^^ This!

Although I’d quibble a bit with calling Github et. al. a backup strategy, as there isn’t any automatic backup of your local repos to the remote master, you have to do that manually (yes, you can script things, but it doesn’t do that out of the box). But if you keep your projects in Github, and push to master frequently, you’ll always have a good copy, unless GH itself suffers a catastrophic failure, which one would hope they’ve guarded against as well as today’s technology allows.

Ditto, I’ve been recommending that for years now…

I think you’re confusing terms… “GitHub” certainly is a backup strategy. “Git” is not a backup strategy. As long as you are pushing your Git repo to GitHub then you will always have a backup.

We can agree to disagree on this. IMO, if it’s not automated, it’s not a backup strategy.

I think you’re missing my point. My point is that if you have put your code onto GitHub then it is already backed up because it has already left your computer (via automation or manual, it doesn’t matter). If its still on your computer then its not on GitHub. Yes, an old version of your Git repo may be on GitHub but your code in question is not. It’s just in Git.

Yes, I get that. But depending on how often you push, the version on GH may be far diverged from your current work. I’m not drawing a distinction between Git and GitHub because the former is clearly not backup in any sense, so it’s really irrelevant. GitHub does give you an offsite version of your code, but only to the extent that you manually push, or script a regular push. Given what GitHub is for, I think relying on it alone as “backup” is a mistake.

Having an extra copy of your code in GH is good, without question. Having an actual backup strategy where everything you care about is backed up to a local HD, and duplicated somewhere offsite, automatically, on a regular basis, is better.

Lol, he means that the project is intresting and that she should share it. The backup part was a joke.

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Sorry for confusing you on this. Mr John Smith is right, is was a joke, and an indication that lots of people are messing with weatherstations and sharing your code (I dont care where) is great for everybody! ;D

Backups are for wimps.

Where is the adventure in that?

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