Logic analyzer

I am considering to invest in a logic analyzer, and has found to like this one: https://www.saleae.com/

Anyone has tried that one, or has experince with others in the 200USD or less price range?

The Saleae are well regarded (I don’t have practical experience). There are $10 ones that use the same data output format / control as the Saleae at places like saleae - Buy saleae with free shipping | Banggood Shopping that might also fit a niche - certainly you can’t go wrong with Saleae but if $$ are important then spending less and getting good results is definitely possible. (note saleae - Buy saleae with free shipping | Banggood Shopping have SLOW shipping!)

I have the Saelae Logic16. Powerful and easy to use.

I have the Saelae Logic16 also works great.

I also have a Saelae Logic16, you can’t go wrong with this one. It works great.

I have the Open Bench Logic Sniffer. It’s just perfect for what/when I use it. It’s also only 50$.

I got this beast when I was working on a 16 bit system and the Saelee was only 8 bit at the time.

It’s double your budget but paid for itself in the first few days when I was able to use it to track down the fault.

This and the Saelee are great for debugging I2C, SPI etc as you can see if the logic is correct. Bus pirate too is good but you can’t see any logic levels with it.

LabTool is a versatile and powerful addition to your lab bench!
It is an add-on board to LPC-Link 2 (which is based on the LPC4370 - a 204 MHz Cortex-M4 with an 80 MHz ADC and two extra Cortex-M0 cores). LabTool make use of all features on the LPC4370, creating a powerful development tool.

@ Sambo - have you tried the Saleae software for comparison?

Thanks everybody will do some research based on your input. Thanks again

No but I was just offering other options to get feedback from others.

I am interested in trying this low cost Saleae imitation: http://www.banggood.com/USB-Logic-Analyzer-16-Channel-100M-10G-Depth-Compatible-Saleae16-p-926680.html, referred to by @ Brett.

$63.73 vs. $299 (not bad?!)

Does anyone know if it’ll work with Saleae’s software?
