LLMNR and Windows cache problem

Hi all,

I have created a LLMNR and mDNS server running on a NETMF device along with a web server. LLMNR is used to access the netmf device by name from a windows computer and mDNS to access the device by name from an Apple device.

The problem that i face from windows is that when the netmf device hasn’t started before the name is entered in the windows browser this name will be registred in the windows DNS cache as “unknow” Once the netmf is running, entering the name again result in not found.
Manually clearing the cache solves the problem but is not a practical solution.

Does anyone know how to approach this problem? Is there a way to broadcast “something” to clear the cache or??


By my reading, LLMNR only supports query/response (that is, there is no provision for unsolicited announcements), so the only options are to manually flush the cache or to wait for the negative-cache TTL to expire (300 seconds on windows machines).

@ mcalsyn - Thanks, i was afraid of that.