Lizard Brain Hat for RPi

Is anyone working on a RPi hat that incorporates a NETMF device?

No, but I did do this :smiley:

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I’m wondering what the advantage over a simple I/O expander would be?

Yes and Yes! Mostly, I did it as an example of how you could use AllJoyn on a RPi to bridge to other devices running on a microcontroller or other device. Also, I was too lazy (and had too little time) to port the WS2812 code over to the Pi to power the LEDs :smiley:

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@ ianlee74 - That solution would work, but it lacks a certain compactness. Well its ECad time I guess.

I find this interesting ,I’d like to hear a little more about it.

In this particular example, I have the Cerberus running a program that controls the WS2812 LED strip in a chasing pattern. It’s programmed to know a set of 11 colors (those defined by @ Cheerlights). On the RPi2 I created an AllJoyn producer app that implements the org.allseen.LSF.LampState interface. The RPi2 is attached to the Cerberus via a FEZ Cream and Gadgeteer cable. A very simple signal is defined using four GPIO pins and a bit pattern. When the producer receives a request to change color from an AllJoyn consumer then it sends a bit pattern to the Cerberus for the nearest color that it knows. Then the Cerberus changes the color of the light chaser.

For the grand finale, I show how you can change the color of two LIFX 1000 bulbs and the LED strip simultaneously by Tweeting a color to @ Cheerlights. Of course, the beauty of this is that because of AllJoyn none of these devices have to know anything about each other in advance. They just need to all implement the AllJoyn defined interface.

Slides are here if you want to imagine what I presented :slight_smile:

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@ ianlee74 - That looks like it was a great presentation. Thanks for the extra information.

I’ve been working towards some device to device communication but when I looked at AllJoyn I was a bit overwhelmed. Never found a great place to jump in. I’ll take another look at it and see if it’s suitable.

If you’re using RPi2 then its easy peasy. If you want to go NETMF then there’s currently no easy way except to setup a Pi as a bridge.

I am assuming that it would be possible to connect a G210 to the USB host port of a RPi2, and with suitable software on WinIot be able to deploy and debug the G120 over ethernet. In this regard, would it be best to communicate with the G120 via the USB interface or the Serial Interface? Further, I would need communication between the Lizard Brain (G120) and the Mammal Brain (RPi2). Should I just use another Serial Interface?

I have a RPI but as yet I don’t know much about it’s capabilities in detail :frowning: