Little Jumpy Mateo Arcade Game with BPA and Pygamer

Video of a simple jumping game for little kids. They can change the Mateo sprite figure into a ghost, princess or prince (or jumping pizza for that matter.) Adri314 made up the game. Jumping Mateo on BrainPade Arcade and Adafruit Pygamer - YouTube

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You have the full collection now.

“First to market” in the Western World was a feather in GHI 's hat. With BPA we now await using it as a “maker board” …there are so many tantalizing pin ports, even already named ! My soldering iron is hot. Love to be able to use this. I see a guy nick-named TiTi Mobi on TonTon Maker YouTube channel is developing a board now that looks to be all in one: game and development board. (yes , I know BP original is a toe in the water in this way). Thanks for all you’re doing , Gus. Note the 8x8 LED output and game too…here: Gamebuino, Metatris et matrice de Led - YouTube

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Oh we are just getting started. Shoot me an email and I will share a surprise with you.

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