LinkSprite camera change baud rate

I have a problem, when I want to take a pic I must wait 1 minute until the image is ready to store.
I want to change the baud rate and then I hope that it will be fast than before :slight_smile:

I looked on the manual that if I want change the baud rate I need to send the code “56 00 24 03 01 0D A6” and that it’s work!

After I checked I wait 3 seconds and then:

port = new SerialPort("COM1",115200,Parity.None, 8,StopBits.One);
port.ReadTimeout = 250;

but when I want to take a pic the module give me back “Error stopping”.

Somebody have tried to change the baud rate?

nobody know something?

[quote]nobody know something?

It could be that everyone on the forum does not know anything, but it more likely that your question is not clear.

If I understand this correctly, this question is completely related to the camera. Maybe the camera makers can help better with this?

I don’t think so, I checked when I changed the baud rate and the camera is working.
I think so that is not right to do this code for change the baud rate.


or somebody forget something?

I knew you asked this question before in this thread, LINKSPRITE DRIVER CODE, two weeks ago.

And I did answered your question there! two week ago too!

Sorry I didn’t received the email about that but I done as your post but dosen’t work…
When I want to take a pic… the camera give me back a error

[quote]…I done as your post but dosen’t work…
When I want to take a pic… the camera give me back a error[/quote]

Would you mind post your code, just strip down to only necessary?
So, may be you or somebody is able to see and may be able to spot where the error occur!