Less than $3 WiFi chip

They told me two weeks ago that it was shipped. The tracking number was not showing anything until now. ??? It shows that it was accepted for shipping on November 5th. :frowning:

Looks like a shipping glitch of some sort. Hopefully I will get it in two weeks or so. :think:

The market for these has exploded. I got my first bunch fairly quickly (ITead), but the rest are really taking the long route - or the slow boat. They were all still programmed with an older firmware and had to be updated. So, it’s good to use the waiting time to find all the bits and pieces you’ll need. And to make a jig to do the updates with.

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@ Lurch - Thanks for the advice.

The stuff is still a little hard to get together.

Here you get the latest binary: http://www.mlt-group.com/Download/Firmware-ESP8266
And here the Updater tool: http://www.electrodragon.com/w/File:XTCOM_UTIL.zip

Good Wiki: ESP8266 - ElectroDragon Wiki

Good place to visit: Everything ESP8266

The first versions, which are usually those that are on the chips you get, are fairly unstable. It’s gotten better with the latest version - especially since it runs by default at 9600 baud instead of 115200. Easy to play with with just a terminal now.

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Look at this SMD version only 1x1cm (need an antenna, though)

@ architect - Where did you find that?

I saw a version on AliExpress with though hole pin breakouts and an RP-SMA antenna connector. was about to pull the trigger on a few. The price has gone up since yesterday (from $3 and change to $5), so somebody has noticed these have become a hot item.

@ ransomhall - There are so many designs now due to high demand. So many options to choose from (11 as of now :slight_smile: )


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@ Lurch - Interesting “jig” for the board :wink:


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Ha ha… True geek style there Gus.

I’ve got quite a few “bits and bobs” on the shelf that were purchased the same way.

Another solution, not as cheap though

Very cool!


Very cool indeed.

Another cool project with ESP8266. Programming an Arduino over WiFi.

@ Gus did you received your boards?

No not yet

A web server build entirely on the ESP8266 module:

…and bought 3 @ $3.33 with free shipping. Damn you guys always finding stuff for me to spend money on.

I hope it is a good stuff. Mine finally showed up in tracking in US. It is possible I will get it by the end of the week.

Likewise!!! :whistle:


Guess what finally showed up.


Where did you order yours from?