Karl Lagerfeld's Cat Made $3.2 Million Last Year

[quote]Get ready to be really depressed: In an interview with The Cut, designer Karl Lagerfeld revealed his cat— cat —made $3.23 million last year. Yeah, let that one sink in for a minute.

So there you are, with your fancy degree (that you paid for and may even still be paying for), and your carefully-plotted career trajectory that may, fingers-crossed, turn you into a home-owner before you’re a septuagenarian. Good for you. Because according to Lagerfeld, other than being fed, sleeping all day, and shitting, during 2014 his cat Choupette starred in a German car commercial and an advertisement for Japanese beauty products and then earned more than most people will see in the entirety of their lives. “I don’t allow her to do foodstuffs and things like this,” Lagerfeld said. “She’s too sophisticated for that.” Damn. This pussy isn’t even in it for the money, she has standards to uphold. Lagerfeld went on: “She had something unique. She is like a human being, but the good thing is that she’s silent.” Well, you can’t say he’s wrong about that last part.

Perhaps the most maddening part is that cats don’t even know their rich. They can’t even be pricks about it, they just exist, regardless of how much they earn. And are cats subject to the same taxes humans are? We thought we were depressed when we learned about how much Menswear Dog was making . Now we’re just suicidal.

But seriously, the entire interview is worth a read thanks to the insane things that come out of Karl Lagerfeld’s mouth. Just be prepared to feel really depressed about your emaciated savings account afterwards.


Its official the world has gone completely loopy.

@ Duke Nukem - I saw a report about this on our local Los Angeles news and was blown away! I must be doing something wrong :’(

I am working on a gig for my cat to model swimwear for Sports Illustrated.


and with a smile like that, how many takers are you getting ?

She will do topless, so smile not a problem. ;D

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My cat likes to stand in front of the monitor and help with coding. Can we make any money with that?

Is your cat a certified Scrum caster?


everyone here should make their profile a picture of a cat
we will all get rich eventually