Just sent to the fab

Can you give a brief overview of how this module is different/superior to your ESP8266 module? Thanks.

@ ianlee74 - I think the biggest feature for the new module is SSL/TLS support is supported and works. mDNS is also built in.

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[quote=ā€œmunderhillā€]@ ianlee74 - I think the biggest feature for the new module is SSL/TLS support is supported and works. mDNS is also built in.

@ ianlee74 - Given the fact that the Ack.me is coming the USA ā€¦ :think:

@ munderhill - do you know if it supports enterprise WPA2 ?

@ .Peter. - Enterpise WPA2 is currently not supported, but I will ask if they plan support for it.

It is aliveā€¦


@ munderhill - Cool :clap:

Worked on the driver this weekend. Serial framework implemented. Got network scanning completed. Driver is coming together!


Well, I spent the weekend debugging and re-architecting the driver. Itā€™s amazing how one little change can require the rest of the driver to change so drastically. But in the end the driver is much less complex and more solid! Got WPS working too!


This weekend I got sockets and web service support (HTTP client) implemented! Iā€™ll probably need to do a little cleanup on the code, but overall I am pleased with the progress. Time for some beerā€¦ :dance: