July 23rd beta release, includes everything OSHW and improves premium

That is correct. Are you having a problem?

What do you mean by ambiguities? When I made the project I added the SD Module just like with C# then I went to the program code and typed up the program that was posted in my above reply. I did not add any new assemblies.

I will post a Print Screen. It’s hard to explain. I saw these messages in a specific debugging window of Visual Studio. But for sure, the project references show mscorlib located in .Net 4.0 and not the one in “Gadgeteer” folder. I don’t know if the two files are identical.

The full .Net mscorib should never make it to netmf! Please post detailed steps

Hello everybody.

Great work guys. I’ve been waiting for this release for a long time.

I’m now trying to use the microSD card on CerbuinoBee, but with no luck. With Cerberus with the microSD module I have no problem, but with CerbuinoBee I don’t even know where to start.
Can you provide a code sample on how to use the microSD in CerbuinoBee?


See this thread. We will be posting a code example on how it is done. http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/topic?id=7593&page=3

Basically, this is built in, not a gadgeteer module so you would use it directly not through the SD module driver (there is no module). We will see how we can simplify this as much as possible.

@ Aron - Print screen of newly created project. Nothing done yet. You can see what I am talking about. This is a sample of what I am describing (Sorry it is in french) :

"C:\Program Files (x86)\GHI Electronics\GHI .NET Gadgeteer SDK\Mainboards\FEZCerberus\NETMF 4.2\GHIElectronics.Gadgeteer.FEZCerberus.dll : warning BC42204: L’assembly ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\GHI Electronics\GHI .NET Gadgeteer SDK\Mainboards\FEZCerberus\NETMF 4.2\GHIElectronics.Gadgeteer.FEZCerberus.dll’ rĂ©fĂ©rence l’assembly ‘mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’, ce qui crĂ©e une ambiguĂŻtĂ© entre ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.2\Assemblies\le\mscorlib.dll’ (rĂ©fĂ©rencĂ© par le projet ‘’) et ‘c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll’ (rĂ©fĂ©rencĂ© par le projet ‘’). ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.2\Assemblies\le\mscorlib.dll’ sera utilisĂ©. Si les deux assemblys sont identiques, remplacez les rĂ©fĂ©rences au mĂȘme emplacement.

Do you get this error if you use C#?


Ok then it may not be a bug in our SDK but we will dig into it and get in touch with Microsoft if necessary. Please sue C# for now if you like.

I think you mean “use”. I don’t think Microsoft would appreciate that much :wink:

Omg that is funny. Yes use not sue!

No love with Cerbuino Bee after downloading the TinyBooter. I can put it into DFU mode no problem to download the tiny booter, but after I do and reboot it USB/MFDeploy does not pick it up at all.

What do you see under device manager?

Hi 65tux,

Welcome to the community.

How are you putting your Cerbuino Bee into DFU mode? If you are using a jumper make sure that the wire is removed and the pads are not still bridged after reset.

Did you remember to first erase the Cerbuino?

Yes, erased. Yes, short pads on power up then remove. No, nothing in device manager.

When you erased it, did you press the “Create from Map” button first and did you select the erase radio button? Also if you did, after selecting the TinyBooter DFU file did you remember to select the download radio button?

There’s the step I missed “Create from Map”. All good now, thanks!

[title]After-release Known issues[/title]
These issues were discovered after release. Most are fixed and will be available with next SDK, not in current SDK.
[ul]7" Display does not work properly, flicker or not work due to wrong clock setting. This bug effected premium and OSHW. Fixed
I2CSoftware restart condition was not working properly causing IO60P16 to not work properly. Fixed
OLED driver didn’t check for bad arguments from user. Fixed
Premium’s PersistentStorage does not work. Fixed
SD card in Cerb-family causes the system to completely lock up if the card was removed while using accessing the file system. Unmount before removing the card, which is the proper use.
Socket #9 on Spider gives warning in designer. Fixed[/ul]

We are about done with premium USB Client so looks like we will have a Release Candidate next week :slight_smile: Not sure if it will have networking for premium or not. And there is a surprise to Spider users. We are giving you all something special but do you know what is the occasion?