we are trying to use web cam for a security application:images transfer to the internet in case of alarm.
The web cam example works great but it would be nice to add the possibiliy to decrease the size of data due to reduce transfer time/cost.
Is it possible,for example,to reduce the data size using gray scale images or jpg/png format?
How can we access web cam primitives to get raw data? It would be useful to transfer directly raw data (without saving it locally on a file) and process it afterwards on a PC.
Thanks in advance.
You can implement JPEG encoder in RLP or a simple compressor…or even convert to back and white. Any of this needs to be done in RLP as image processing is very processor intensive.
How can we access web cam primitives to get raw data? It would be useful to transfer directly raw data (without saving it locally on a file) and process it afterwards on a PC.[/quote]
You do not need to save to a local file. I am not sure what you mean!
I’d like to have more control over the web cam,is there a way to communicate directly with the camera chip?
There is no way to access the raw data but the data that comes back from the camera is useless to 99% of applications. It is not even RGB! We give you Bitmap object which is really the bare minimum of raw data that you could use. From there, you can save, display, network or whatever you need with this data.