J1708 module

Is there any J1708 module out there to fit gadgeteer socket?

If not, you could use the ELM325 to interface between the J1708 bus and your Gadgeteer socket if it has a TTL serial UART

Their software makes the process to talk to J1708 so easy. I used the ELM327 in the past for an OBD project. It was very nice to work with.



http://ghielectronics.com/catalog/product/365 uses ELM chip

The ELM325 is nice chip but we are writting our own J1587 driver for J1708 layer and needed a interface for beta tests.

Maybe we can make the hardware if you are willing to share the software?

Hey Gus, the link you gave. Is that using the ELM327? Isn’t this only OBD2 capable and not J1708 which is the older truck standard before J1939 over CAN bus was introduced to replace it?

@ Honken. From what little I read, the J1708 standard is basically just RS485 driver with pullup resistors and the receive always enabled (so you can check for collisions)

Could you not just make something up on prototype board for testing? Would be cheapest way forward. This app note I found has a sample circuit you can use.


I am not sure but you mentioned ELM so I thought this will work as well.

i’m interesting to this circuit ELM 325 … but i can’t find anywhere
there is someone can help please to findet or how or where can i buy
or haw find the intern program ( *.hex ) because its just PIC16f1832 if i find the Flash file thas so good …

im so sorry for my bad english


Nobody here will help you reverse engineer a commercial product like this, or steal the IP from ELM. That is a very uncool thing to be asking. Please just go buy one of the genuine chips and be done with it.

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Listen, stealing someone else’s IP is bad. The price of the ELM327 is cheap considering the amount of work you need to create something like this yourself from scratch. I’ve used these devices and they work really well. Save your time and your conscience and just buy the IC’s from them for this.

thanks for your answer

i am a student and i have projet at the end of studies … i just need the component and i very sorry about asking for the program ( IP )

i visit the link you give me and i find this Note :

Related Products
We do not currently offer any other devices that support the SAE J1708 standard. There have been a large number of requests for a combination J1939 - J1708 device and we are considering that, but at present can not provide an estimate as to when that might be available.


@ Dave McLaughlin -

i wants not to steal the IP … but i need this component,

i ask about the ELM 325 not the ELM327 … i think the are not similar in reference to this table in this link OBD – Elm Electronics

but when i read the datasheet of this circuit i found this Requests in page 16 :

Making Requests Using the ELM325 to send messages on the J1708/J1587 bus is very similar to sending OBD messages with our other products (the ELM327, etc.). Simply provide the data bytes that you want sent and the ELM325 takes care of the details for you. For example, assume that you wish to send the bytes 11 22 33 44 for some reason. Simply provide them to the ELM325 from the prompt:

then can i replace the ELM325 with ELM327 ??

Why do you want to replace anything with anything?

[quote]Making Requests Using the ELM325 to send messages on the J1708/J1587 bus is very similar to sending OBD messages with our other products (the ELM327, etc.). Simply provide the data bytes that you want sent and the ELM325 takes care of the details for you.[/quote] that simply says, you use the same approach for talking to the ELM325 as you would talking to the ELM327.

Just go buy an ELM325 and be done with it. [url]https://www.elmelectronics.com/ic/elm325/[/url]

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@ Brett -

but in this link here say that at present cannot provide an estimate as to when that might be available.

that mean is not available for now

and my question about the ELM327 is can be replace the ELM325 or not :think: :think:

no, no, no. You are wrong.

[quote]Related Products
We do not currently offer any other devices that support the SAE J1708 standard. There have been a large number of requests for a combination J1939 - J1708 device and we are considering that, but at present can not provide an estimate as to when that might be available.[/quote]

any OTHER product that supports that standard, EXCEPT the one you’re looking at.

Add the product to your cart. Checkout. Done.

@ Brett -

thank you very much sir

i will try to buy one … and i hope that’s all ok