Originally published at: Introducing the all-new SITCore SC13xxx – GHI Electronics
SITCore family today just got smaller, lower-power and lower-cost. We are proud to bring you the world’s smallest .NET C# running chipset, SC13048Q. This tiny chipset is 48pin QFN package at 7x7mm. But do not let the size fool you, this is a complete commercial-grade offer, just like its big cousins SITCore SC20xxx.
Low Power

SC13048Q runs from 1.7v to 3.6V. It only needs 12.6mA to fully run and 6.2mA in idle mode. But wait, we also support low clock mode where the chip only needs 7.5mA fully running and 4.2mA when idle. And for lower power, put the chip into sleep at 1.4mA or hibernate at 0.023mA!
TinyCLR OS Features

All core OS features, like threading and memory management, are fully supported. Security is still an important part of the offer, with secure assemblies and secure storage. A subset of the crypto libraries is also included. All pin level features are supported, like PWM, ADC and the Signal Generators. SPI, UART, CAN, and I2C are also supported. Full USB Client support, with WebUSB and WinUSB.
There are some missing features that are not typically needed on micro-sized devices, but you still have options.
- Graphics: No native support but BasicGraphics library provides an alternative. In fact, the development board includes a color TFT SPI display.
- File System: No native file system support but ManagedFileSystem library is a full FAT implementation that supports file/directory access on SD cards over SPI bus.
- Networking: SC20 is still the proper way to access networks securely. However, Wiznet W5500 Ethernet chipset and ESP32 WiFi module can be used as an alternative.
Single Board Computers
We are also expanding our SBC offers with 2 new FEZ (Fast and Easy!) boards. The first one is FEZ Pico and it is inspired by RPI Pico’s form factor.

This new form factor is becoming popular quickly and you can take advantage of the available plug-and-play accessories.

Of course, we always add more! The FEZ Pico adds JST connector compatible with Sparkfun Qwiic modules and Adafruit Stemma modules. It also uses modern USB C connector and has built in RTC…you are welcome!
But wait, we have even an smaller board! Introducing the world’s smallest commercial board to run .NET C# ever, the FEZ Flea!

The size and pinout of FEZ Flea is inspired by Seeduino Xiao, and the available ecosystem.

The FEZ Flea is breadboard friendly for quick prototyping and also work just like a SoM.
SC13048Q Development Board

This full featured board has everything needed to evaluate and develop products around SC13048Q chipset.
BrainPad – Next Gen
The next generation of the BrainPad, our STEM education tool, is taking advantage of this flexible chipset. BrainPad automatically receives DUE, MicroPython and .NET C# through TinyCLR OS. There is a lot more to it than that and we have an active insider program for those interested in STEM education. Join today and learn more.