Seems like they’re going for a simpler learning experience by including some common hardware like:
Buttons (in a Dpad configuration)
Seems like a good idea, much the same as Gadgeteer lowered the learning curve, including a bunch of sensors and inputs gives folks who don’t/can’t solder an opportunity to get into electronics.
Very interesting, though, to see the comments. Appears that there are folks who are offended by its very existence. Guess as in software, there are people in the mCu community who think it “should be hard.”
Also interesting, from:
[quote]Esplora Library
To facilitate writing sketches for the Esplora, there is a dedicated library that contains methods for reading the sensors and writing to the outputs on-board.
The library offers high level methods which provide pre-processed data, like degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius from the temperature sensor. It also enables easy access to the outputs, like writing values to the RGB LED.
Sounds very similar to what drivers do for Gadgeteer.
IMO, good for everyone…the more people who learn electronics, the more blinkies in the world, and who doesn’t love blinkies?