Installing TinyCLR OS Project Extension not working

Hello, I am trying to install the TinyCLR OS Project extensions as described in the getting started page. I am using Visual Studio 2015. When I go to Tools->Extensions and Updates -> Online and type TinyCLR, nothing shows up. I was able to download the .vsix file version 1.0.0 from the downloads page, however I don’t see a way to install it. When I right click and choose Open With, it provides an option to use Microsoft Visual Studio Version Selector, however when I run it, I then get a Installation Failed message box, stating This extension is not installable on any currently installed products. A look though the log file says that :
6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - Supported Products :
6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community
6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - Version : [15.0,)


6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - Searching for applicable products…
6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015
6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015
6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Integrated)
6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - Found installed product - Global Location
6/26/2019 2:57:37 PM - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall(Boolean isRepairSupported)
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

Any Ideas what I am doing wrong or is this extension not usable on 2015?


The extension is only supported on VS2017 and newer

Like John said. Here are instructions Getting Started