Imagine cup, are you interested?

Have you guys heard of or participated in

GHI is looking to see how we can help you in participate and win :smiley:

What is your input on this idea?
What are your overall thought on Imagine Cup?

I have taken part in Microsoft Windows Embedded challenge for the past 3 seasons.

It was a great experience. Unfortunately, i am not eligible for the Imagine Cup (I.m too old and my son is too young), but I think the contests MS runs are really top shelf. Apparently they treat the finalists like rock stars and i know they treat the participants great.

If any of you do not fit the Student requirement of the Imagine cup, take a look at embedded Spark - there is still time to enter for this season.

I am hoping that MS will bring back the Dare To Dream Different .NetMF challenge sometime soon.

I looked at this but didn’t see a category for NETMF stuff, so I don’t know how GHI products would be applicable. Too bad- am I missing something?

I did download Windows 7 Embedded, but I’ve not looked into it seriously (and probably won’t unless I discern a competitive contest project opportunity.)

There is no “NETMF” category but there is embedded category