I have been an embedded C / assembler programmer for 12 years now. Dealing mainly with
Atmel, I.E. Atmega16,32,128 and the Xmega series.
Then for the more thirsty projects the NXP ARM7’s like NXP1768.
ok, so i was introduced to this whole .NET MF just this past weekend. My mind is still spinning on all what it can do with such ease in coding. It seems almost like a coders dream. I have 2 .NET books arriving today that i hope will open my mind to all of this.
I have been screwing around with Visual Studio Express C# to start my learning. But i gotta admit its been insane to say the least. Things just are not intuitive to do. For instance i was playing with socket connections. I wanted to know what was available to me, so i clicked on the Object Browser > System >System.Net.Sockets > Socket Error. Then in the right pane, you can see a but load of things for that like HostNotFound, IsCOnnected, HostDown and so on. OK? so how in the heck to i get thoes results by using Socket Error ?
Anyway, the point of all of this bla…bla…bla… is to ask this. Rather than bother you guys with to many knob questions. I was wondering if any of you could recommend some good learning sites that you have found useful for learning .NET MF. Or if there are some kind of video courses specifically geared to .NET MF.
Also, remember this is “.NET” so there are tons of information, tutorials, topics around the web covering everything .NET.
I personally came from deep embedded as well and “objects” didn’t make sense to me at the beginning. I had to pretend they are C pointers! But now, I absolutely love C# and object oriented programming.
Do not try to learn everything at once, concentrate on what you need and we are here to help.
One thing to keep in mind when reading your .NET books… Just because you see some sweet class that does exactly what you want in the full framework does not mean it exists in NETMF. Worse, if it does, it might not be implemented the same way. I still find myself solving uC problems with my full framework hat on, only to get down to coding and realize I’ve got to rethink my approach. The latter problem is the most insiduous, and has caused some colorful conversations when talking myself through an issue :wall:
It IS amazing what you can do with NETMF on GHI’s boards! This forum is filled with both hardware and software experts that have helped me out immensely with newb (or is it n00b or knob?) questions.