Hydra will not deploy with Resource

I’ve been testing Skewworks’ new Tinkr controls (they’re awesome, BTW) and I’m running into something unusual. Tinkr has this great feature that allows you to include other apps .pe files in your Resources file and load the apps on demand. This works great. However, I’m having a problem when I include one particular file. Even if I don’t use it the main program will not deploy. No errors or anything, it just starts deploying and then stops. The total of all my resources is under 1MB and the main code is only a few dozen lines. So, I don’t think I’m anywhere near the flash limits of the Hydra. Any ideas why this is happening and how I can get past it?

Connect mfdeploy and show us the boot output please.

I tried to get more info out of it last night but it apparently never gets to the point where it starts logging anything. The one thing that’s unique about this .pe vs the others that I’m including is that it has dependencies on other .pe files. I wouldn’t expect there to be any dependency checks on files added as resources though until the time they are loaded. I haven’t been including it’s dependency .pe files. Could there be something going on here I’m not aware of?

Connect mfdeploy F5 then rest the board and click ping. This should help.