HTTP Oblivion

Attempting to try your HTTP code example. Added the package GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Networking.Http;
Shows up in the Reference as indicated with the below image

However, adding the using statement to the project, it indicates that the reference does not exist.

Right click on the line with the error and see if there is an option offered to fix the problem.

Duh, obvious, however, the problem is that it doesnot recognize the following statement.
using GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Networking.Http;

Try adding GHElectronics.TinyCLR.Networking.Http from NUGET to your references.

Has been added, as indicated by the snap shot of the install references.

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What is LedManager and NetworkWifi? Are they also from GHI or might they be compiled for normal .NET?

They are classes I use to manage LEDs and the NetworkWIFI is a generalized WIFI handler for connecting to the WINC1500. I believe in reuse and his gives me that capability. The issue is even in creating a brand new project, no other classes. Install the Nu-Get Package for the HTTP and then add the line using … The VIsual Studio indicates that HTTP is not part of Networking.

I can remove them if you think it’s makes a difference.

Is this a custom board?

Are you able to test this on a GHI dev board?


Right Nuget wrong namespace?

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