Im using FEZ Spider and Ethernet_J11D module under SDK V4.2. I would like to get in a variable the value set into browser.
The html page is coded as below:
void AlarmePage_WebEventReceived(string path, WebServer.HttpMethod method, Responder responder)
string s = "<html>\n"; // page type
s += "<HEAD><TITLE>Alarme Maison</TITLE>"; // the page header
s += "<body>\n"; // start the body
s += "<select name=\"selectionFieldPP\"><option value=\"PPActiver\">Activer </option><option value=\"PPDesactiver\">Desactiver </option><class=\"textBox80\"/></select>";
s += "</body>"; // close the body section
s += "</html>"; // close the page type
The aim is to make the link between the value selected in browser and .NET Gadgeteer code:
If (selectionFieldPP == PPActiver)
AlarmePage_WebEventReceived() is called as bellow:
void ethernet_NetworkUp(GTM.Module.NetworkModule sender, GTM.Module.NetworkModule.NetworkState state)
string ipAddress = ethernet.NetworkSettings.IPAddress;
WebServer.StartLocalServer(ipAddress, 80);
AlarmePage = WebServer.SetupWebEvent("Connexion");
Identification.WebEventReceived += new WebEvent.ReceivedWebEventHandler(AlarmePage_WebEventReceived);
Is there some one who can help me ?