How to update tiny boot loader for FEZ Spider?

I just got a FEZ spider and tried deploying an application. It failed because the spider came with .Net 4.1 and I am trying to deploy 4.2. So I tried updating the firmware, but it failed because the tinyboot loader version isn’t valid (I think), so I tried updating the tinyboot loader version, but can’t because I never get to the point where windows is asking me for the new driver. I think because I can’t press the buttons to make the thing reset. See attached image for buttons I’m talking about.

Use the Spider Firmware updater program that comes with the SDK.

The button are the little switches but you are using the wrong page. There is an updater software that is specifically made fro spider. check in your start menu please.

I tried that too, but that is failing also. It thinks I don’t have the right MSI. See image.

Also, how do I know what SDK installer to use? I need whatever will work with .net micro framework 4.2:

Also I have tried the fez spider mainboard updater too, it is also not working. (see image)

I have followed the steps exactly as stated.

Also, the EMX tinybooter updater isn’t working either (see image).

The error is what lead me to the following URL:

So I have been going around in circles for hours now…

Update: I think there was MSI version issue. I had a release candidate, had to look really close. We can close this one.

Uninstall all the components of the GHI SDK, get the latest SDK and reinstall. RC2 is not the more recent.