How to create an application deployment file for Fez Panda II


For the ChipworkX we use the MFDeploy tool to create an application deployment file
(so we can deploy the application to a number of devices without VS2010)

But if I try to do this with a Panda II it says the device has an old or incompatible version
(Using the latest firmware btw)

ClrInfo.clrVersion:                     4.1.2821.0
ClrInfo.clrVendorInfo:                  Microsoft Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rig
ClrInfo.targetFrameworkVersion:         4.1.2821.0
SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVendorInfo: GHI Electronics, LLC
SoftwareVersion.BuildDate:              Sep 28 2011

I’m guessing I need to use another method to create the file
And once I have done that, do I need another method to deploy the file ?

I know i’ve seen it somewhere, but I really can’t remember or find it

I kept searching… it seems there’s no deployment tool other dan VS2010 for the Panda
(unless you create an app to update via the bootloader)

Has anybody made a generic app for this?
We have to deploy 200 Pandas !!

Yes there is a way…take a look at the boot loader commands in USBizi manual

I’ve also searched but no solution. Possibly it is with this tool “. NET Micro Framework Deployment Tool”. However, this tool only accepts hex files.
Then the next question is how can you use VS2010 NETMF a hex file generation?

you will be using xmodem with a terminal program, like teraterm

I’ll have a look. There’s no chicken and egg problem right?
Where you first need to create program for the bootloader that can update the panda?
Because that would still require our deploy team to use VS2010.

At this time that is still an option because the test program we are loading is
simply a tool that will test the workings of our PCB.

But when the real application gets deployed, I have no intention of given the source code to a group
of chinese workers… or we’d end up with “original china copy” :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Where you first need to create program for the bootloader that can update the panda?
Because that would still require our deploy team to use VS2010.[/quote]

Yes this is normal even if you use chipworkx with mfdeploy.

  1. load application using VS2010
  2. open terminal program and make a “master copy”
  3. give the master copy to someone to program your 200 FEZ Panda…they do not need source codes. They will use terminal program to load the application, not VS2010

I’ll give it a try.
with the chipworkx I just used mfdeploy created a hex and had people distribute it like that.
But anyway thnx for the help, again :slight_smile:

Yes and USBizi is the exact same way! But you are using teraterm instead of MFDeploy.