I am building a robot based on the Fez Mini Robot Kit. I got a WiFi Module ( http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9333 ) based on the recommendation on the forum here. It arrived recently with absolutely no instructions whatsoever, much less any instructions on how to connect it to the Robot Kit. Nor can I find any instructions online.
So I got the following questions (please excuse potentially dumb one as I am a hardware noob):
I want to connect the serial port of the Robot Kit to the appropriate ports on the WiFi module. Looks like RS232 port on the Robot Kit is based on RJ11 jack. Since the WiFi module does not have this type of jack, I’ll have to connect it manually. I am assuming that the RJ11 jack has the following pinout? http://www.totalpda.co.uk/forum/attachments/tomtom-navigator/51d1147169493-tomtom-wired-gps-receiver-pinout-needed-pin-layout-rj-11.gif
So on the WiFi module, I’d connect the pins to the RX, TX, GND, and Power IN? Would the WiFi module be powered by this one pin?
How do I actually attach the WiFi module to the Robot Kit? I’ve heard of module stacking, but I am not sure where to “stack” the WiFi Module.
Btw, here is my first attempt at making the Robot Kit go. First Demo With The FEZ Robot Kit - YouTube