How about an eta

Kinda sitting here with an awesome piece of hardware doing only so much as I have more Gadgeteer modules that need to be working… eg. Network and On board SD card…
Mostly I would have rather been on the waiting list to get a Bee then to have one and cant even really use it… I very much am a little irritated about having it and literally having to sit on my hands while we wait for drivers for our modules…

So I suggest 2 things to help with this whole thing with you guys… Either give us an ETA , or
If the module drivers only need ported check in the old 4.1 ones and let the community help port them to the 4.2 framework .

VR Lee

Community is surly more than welcome to contribute and help. We are really trying and almost there.

Gus, with all due respect, and acknowledging the amount of work that goes into the hardware, each time that someone asks about a feature that is not yet working and you reply that the community is welcome to contribute, it really disappoints me. To sell the hardware and then expect the community to implement the software is insulting. Perhaps if it were made more clear on the storefront that the hardware is just that, hardware, without accompanying software (yet)?

Hydra is complete with all features and plus an extended library. We thrn ported it all from 4.1 to 4.2, All without community contributions. SDK was released Friday to cover Cerberus complete but SD and USB host. And still not community contributions. We are trying our best.

That said, “open source” works better with community contributions. I am only trying to get the community to be more involved, defiantly not selling a hardware with no software.

Contributions are not required and all will be done and in a timely manner. We will continue to work hard to complete it all. I expect we will have an SDK that covers every single feature except USB host in only couple weeks.

In the Cerberus case, it’s essentially impossible for the community to contribute, as RVDS isn’t exactly hobbyist software. As for the ethernet/non-ethernet firmware versions, does Cerberus have the “Hydra problem” where it won’t boot the ethernet firmware without an ethernet cable connected?