Help getting started

In need some help. I just got my Panda2 board. I seem to be having trouble with following the directions on getting started.

I can connect to the board and I do have the right Firmware.

When I open C# Express I cannot see the Console application like in the tutorial. So, thinking MS changed something as they always do, I selected Panda II Application. It comes up with an error

…\FEZ Panda II Application1.csproj cannot be opened. The project type is not supported by this Application.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


You do have C# installed with Visual Studio 2010, correct? If so, then I’d try reinstalling the NETMF & GHI bits to be sure you don’t have a corrupt file.

Are the Microsoft and GHI .Net Micro Frameworks installed?

After posting my initial question, I stepped back and looked at things fresh. I deleted the SDK’s I previoulsy installed, restarted the computer, then reinstalled the SDK’s.

That was the problem, corrupted files.

Thanks for helping.

Anytime. Welcome to the community!