Graphical128x64 Display Project

Can’t wait to hold it in my hands :smiley:

I also need the source codes in-case I need it

I zip the project directory and already put it in the uSD on the FEZ Domino, here

\My Documents\FEZ

Yeah since you have a WHILE loop that runs forever, you do not need the sleep. My point wasn’t that it was needed in your code, just that it is something you can use in certain situations.

@ Brett
Ah! Got it!

This is my very first .NETMF project.
And I never use this Thread.Sleep(TimeOut.Infinite); in any other C# code anywhere else.
So I was kind of confuse about it.

for a first project, it’s awesome. Love the work you’ve put in to it all !

Project come to a pause, since my FEZ Domino and Graphical128x64 Display is taking a journey to New York for the Maker Faire.

I’m documenting this project to be added to the project page

(link removed) in the next few days.

I will let you know when it’s up.


We have it now. It is VERY neat. I could never do something that neat!

The only thing is speed. I didn’t look at code but I am sure you can make it run much faster.

[quote]The only thing is speed. I didn’t look at code but I am sure you can make it run much faster.

This is my first experience on NETMF programming.
I will look into it to make it better. :slight_smile:

How long did it take you to complete the project?

Hardware started on Aug 27
Software started on Sept 7.

About the refresh rate of the display: if you look at FEZ_Extensions_Graphical128x64_UEXT_Display.cs you’ll see that


  • Flush() calls Locate() 8 times
  • Locate() calls SendCommand() 3 times
  • SendCommand() calls Thread.Sleep(10)

Thats’s 8310 = 240ms sleep for each flush, no wonder the display is slow… Is that sleep necessary ?

That Sleep(10) doesn’t appear in FEZ_Extensions_Large128x64Display.cs

Thanks for the tip.
I will look into this as soon as my only FEZ and the display return its journey from Maker Faire, NY.

I am sure we can make the display many times faster and we will. With coming code share, we all can modify and make it better

I added the project to our forum project page, today:

(link removed)

Just a quick revisited to the Maker Faire.
Thanks Guz, for the picture.

This picture meant a lot to me.
My thought when I submitted this project to you was,
people probably would pay their attention on the bigger and
fanciful stuffs than my little console project.
This picture made me feel good. There was at least one person
that had an interest to play with it.

While my console was away from me I wrote one more game, ‘Shoot a wall’ intended
to added to my console.

I guess I have to wait a little while, until my console to return to me due to the release of Panda.
Good news is now I have Panda to play with, but no Graphics display though!