GlideTouch not woking

I started experimenting with Glide and experiencing couple is issues:
[ol]Touch works only when I use the CapacitiveTouchController class and raise TouchUp and TouchDown events manually.
When I call Glide.MainWindow = this.calibrationWindow; . the calibration windows shows up with “Touch the screen to start” and when I do, it runs the calibration on itself. I mean I can see the red crosses showing up in the corners and disappears.[/ol]

Am I missing something in the GlideTouch initialization?

Here is the complete code:

using GHI.Glide;
using GHI.Glide.Display;
using GHI.Processor;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Touch;
using System.Threading;

namespace MFWindowApplication1
    public class Program : Microsoft.SPOT.Application
        private GHI.Glide.Display.Window mainWindow;
        private CalibrationWindow calibrationWindow;

        public static void Main()
            Display.Width = 480;
            Display.Height = 272;
            Display.OutputEnableIsFixed = false;
            Display.OutputEnablePolarity = true;
            Display.PixelPolarity = false;
            Display.PixelClockRateKHz = 20000;
            Display.HorizontalSyncPolarity = false;
            Display.HorizontalSyncPulseWidth = 41;
            Display.HorizontalBackPorch = 2;
            Display.HorizontalFrontPorch = 2;
            Display.VerticalSyncPolarity = false;
            Display.VerticalSyncPulseWidth = 10;
            Display.VerticalBackPorch = 2;
            Display.VerticalFrontPorch = 2;
            Display.Type = Display.DisplayType.Lcd;

            if (Display.Save())

            Program app = new Program();

        public Program()
            // Touch works only when I use the CapacitiveTouchController class  and  raise TouchUp and TouchDown events manually-
            // Without this code block no touch responce
            CapacitiveTouchController touch = new CapacitiveTouchController(Cpu.Pin.GPIO_Pin6);
            touch.ScreenPressed += Touch_ScreenPressed;
            touch.ScreenReleased += Touch_ScreenReleased;
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            mainWindow = GlideLoader.LoadWindow(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.Window));
            GHI.Glide.Display.DisplayObject btn = mainWindow.GetChildByName("cmd1");
            btn.TapEvent += OnTap;

            calibrationWindow = new CalibrationWindow(false, false);
            calibrationWindow.CloseEvent += OnClose;

            Glide.MainWindow = mainWindow;


        private void OnClose(object sender)
            Glide.MainWindow = this.mainWindow;

        private void OnTap(object sender)
            Glide.MainWindow = this.calibrationWindow;

        private void Touch_ScreenReleased(CapacitiveTouchController sender, CapacitiveTouchController.TouchEventArgs e)
            GlideTouch.RaiseTouchUpEvent(null, new TouchEventArgs(new TouchInput[] { new GlideTouchInput(e.X, e.Y ) }));

        private void Touch_ScreenPressed(CapacitiveTouchController sender, CapacitiveTouchController.TouchEventArgs e)
            GlideTouch.RaiseTouchDownEvent(null, new TouchEventArgs(new TouchInput[] { new GlideTouchInput(e.X, e.Y) }));


    public class GlideTouchInput : TouchInput
        public GlideTouchInput(int x, int y) : base()
            base.X = x;
            base.Y = y;

    public class CapacitiveTouchController
        private InterruptPort touchInterrupt;
        private I2CDevice i2cBus;
        private I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] transactions;
        private byte[] addressBuffer;
        private byte[] resultBuffer;

        public delegate void TouchEventHandler(CapacitiveTouchController sender, TouchEventArgs e);

        public event TouchEventHandler ScreenPressed;
        public event TouchEventHandler ScreenReleased;

        public CapacitiveTouchController(Cpu.Pin interruptPin)
            this.transactions = new I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[2];
            this.resultBuffer = new byte[1];
            this.addressBuffer = new byte[1];
            this.i2cBus = new I2CDevice(new I2CDevice.Configuration(0x38, 400));
            this.touchInterrupt = new InterruptPort(interruptPin, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeBoth);
            this.touchInterrupt.OnInterrupt += (a, b, c) => this.OnTouchEvent();

        private void OnTouchEvent()
            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var first = this.ReadRegister((byte)(3 + i * 6));
                var x = ((first & 0x0F) << 8) + this.ReadRegister((byte)(4 + i * 6));
                var y = ((this.ReadRegister((byte)(5 + i * 6)) & 0x0F) << 8) + this.ReadRegister((byte)(6 + i * 6));

                if (x == 4095 && y == 4095)

                if (((first & 0xC0) >> 6) == 1)
                    this.ScreenReleased(this, new TouchEventArgs(x, y));
                else {
                    this.ScreenPressed(this, new TouchEventArgs(x, y));

        private byte ReadRegister(byte address)
            this.addressBuffer[0] = address;

            this.transactions[0] = I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(this.addressBuffer);
            this.transactions[1] = I2CDevice.CreateReadTransaction(this.resultBuffer);

            this.i2cBus.Execute(this.transactions, 1000);

            return this.resultBuffer[0];

        public class TouchEventArgs : EventArgs
            public int X { get; set; }
            public int Y { get; set; }

            internal TouchEventArgs(int x, int y)
                this.X = x;
                this.Y = y;

You don’t need to run the calibration with capacitive touch panels. They are already factory calibrated to work with the screen size they are bonded to. Just go ahead and use your GUI with it.

You are correct about it only working when you raise the events. This is normal. It is designed so that you can hook into any touch environment.

Thank you.