Glide calibration windows onclose

I do not succeed to fire the events related to the two buttons (done and recalibrate) of the calibration windows.

Does it really works?

@ leforban - Calibration should work. Do you have a small program to show the issue?

In fact my feeling is that the calbration process fails on my board, I notice that some buttons do not fire OnTap event, so this is not related to the recalibrate and done buttons only…

I need to be sure calibration is ok first…

calibration process with a touch pen and it works! calibration with my fingers does not. probably cal setting values are wrong when I calibrate with fingers…

Now Recalibrate and Done button works like a charm…

This is one of the issues with resistive touch. You need a little more force to make it work with fingers. Try pressing harder but remember that it also applies a larger touch area than a stylus would do. For calibration, better to use a fine tip touch pen. For this reason, I use my finger nail to activate these types of panels. Some of the newer drivers handle these far better but the built in driver from GHI needs a little more force.