GHI's pick and place

We have promised this long time ago and we still want to show you guys a lot more but here is a quick video


So sweet!


Very interesting, with this not being my field I have never seen anything like this. Looking forward to seeing more!

That’s one very nice machine you have there!

Indeed - I’m sure that was a pretty penny :wink:

Nearly as good as my coffee corrected tweezers and hot air gun :whistle:

Indeed very cool :slight_smile:

I want one for home!! :slight_smile:

@ Patrick - guess you could convince the wife/missus that it could make toast and pizzas as well :smiley:

I’m working on that :slight_smile: She likes toast and pizza … :)!

Wow, that’s cool. Is it FEZ powered? :wink:

@ Gus - Is the board moving, or standing still? Wondering how the parts remain stationary despite the board moving around, if it moves. Is the board solder pasted first, then P&P, then oven?

Very cool machine…hope to get a chance to see it in person one day…

@ Justin - LOL nice.

@ devhammer - Yes board moves in the Y direction. Solder paste first, then P&P, then reflow oven. If a heavy part moves the Y movement can be slowed down as not to move. :slight_smile:

Watch closely at about the :30 mark.

BTW good job to whomever did your opening sequence quite nice. If its a GHI employee they can do mine too :wink:

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Cool, now how about how the solder paste is put on.

What type of pick and place machine is that? There is not a wide enough shot to see. I put in a surface mount line for my last employer, I really like MyData and Siemens machines. We wound up with Siemens ‘SiPlace’ machines as they made us an unbelievable deal on rebuilt machines.It was around 1998 and the market for electronics assembly equipment had just about dies off so good deals were easy to come by.

MyData, we love them but those Swiss people are not happy with little money :slight_smile: Still worth every penny,.

What sort of thing do you want?