GHI-USB-WEBCAM-290 = USBH_DeviceType.Video?

I use Domino and I have a problem when connect a webcam.

if (device.TYPE == USBH_DeviceType.Webcamera && camControl == null)
camControl = new WebcamController(device, LCD);

but my Domino: device.TYPE = USBH_DeviceType.Video (code = 16).

Web-camera: GHI-USB-WEBCAM-290.

hi there, welcome to the forum.

webcam support is not on USBizi chipset; you need EMX (Cobra) or above.

Thank you! It is a pity …

One more question … and why then USBH_DeviceType.Video and how to use?

All our devices share the same libs bus some devices have less memory then others and so they are less capable. You can detect a camera on small devices but you can’t use it…there isn’t enough memory!

FezDomino + XBee + JPEG camera LinkSprite :slight_smile:

Well done

Nice bot!

Здорово! :slight_smile:

очень Здорово!

English please, English :wink:

Английский язык пожалуйста

Здорово! = Great!
Очень Здорово! = Very Great!
Английский язык пожалуйста = English, please


Или вы можете использовать Бинг переводчик :slight_smile:

I love google translate.

FezDomino + Xbee + Distance sensor + JPEG camera LinkSprite.
Demo video: Робот в лабиринте 1 - YouTube

1 Like

That is cool!

Very nice. You should definately share the code, I am sure it will be very interesting as well.

Very cool!!

I would interested in more details about this — there looks like a camera on the front in the middle, and then 2 servo mounted distance sensors.

  • Are the distance sensors IRs?

  • At one point it runs into a wall and then backs away - is there a bump switch on the front?

  • What device is processing the camera’s image, FEZ or remote device via XBee?

  • What type of image processing is being done with the camera image?

Again, very cool! Thanks for sharing!

I’m sorry. I did not speak English.
I’ll try to explain the essence in the form of images.