I use Domino and I have a problem when connect a webcam.
if (device.TYPE == USBH_DeviceType.Webcamera && camControl == null)
camControl = new WebcamController(device, LCD);
but my Domino: device.TYPE = USBH_DeviceType.Video (code = 16).
Web-camera: GHI-USB-WEBCAM-290.
October 17, 2011, 7:11am
hi there, welcome to the forum.
webcam support is not on USBizi chipset; you need EMX (Cobra) or above.
Thank you! It is a pity …
One more question … and why then USBH_DeviceType.Video and how to use?
All our devices share the same libs bus some devices have less memory then others and so they are less capable. You can detect a camera on small devices but you can’t use it…there isn’t enough memory!
FezDomino + XBee + JPEG camera LinkSprite
May 30, 2012, 10:56am
Английский язык пожалуйста
Здорово! = Great!
Очень Здорово! = Very Great!
Английский язык пожалуйста = English, please
Или вы можете использовать Бинг переводчик
FezDomino + Xbee + Distance sensor + JPEG camera LinkSprite.
Demo video: Робот в лабиринте 1 - YouTube
1 Like
Very nice. You should definately share the code, I am sure it will be very interesting as well.
Very cool!!
I would interested in more details about this — there looks like a camera on the front in the middle, and then 2 servo mounted distance sensors.
Are the distance sensors IRs?
At one point it runs into a wall and then backs away - is there a bump switch on the front?
What device is processing the camera’s image, FEZ or remote device via XBee?
What type of image processing is being done with the camera image?
Again, very cool! Thanks for sharing!
I’m sorry. I did not speak English.
I’ll try to explain the essence in the form of images.