GHI logo

Using the Cobra…customer complains that some GHI image/logo pops up when power is applied.

I don’t see it at all on my board (same software)–why? I do vaguley remember seeing it months ago when I started working with the boatrd. Is there some way to turn it off? I don’t remember doing that specifically…or perhap its presence or absence means something, in terms of the system?

StartUpLogo Class

Namespace: GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware

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Thanks, I see now how I could set it…but my current program does not (not have I ever before, to my recollection)…so why does the same program running on my board show no logo, but does on his? Seems quite strange.

You had erased your device at some point.

[quote]You had erased your device at some point.


Do you mean download a new user program? Of course, that is happening several times a week…the system software has also been downloaded…mine, not for at least a month or 2…the customer much more recent…is this logo something new?
If it was present long ago, I’m still not clear what I did to “erase” it. Would it be restored with a new operating system software load?

You updated firmware with complete erase?

You can always make part of your normal start-up routine to check and replace the logo. That way if there’s a full wipe you don’t have to worry about it.

[quote]You updated firmware with complete erase?

Doesn’t the logo get restored if the new system software is reloaded (taking all the GHI provided steps to update BL & other netmf software)…its been a few months since I did that…did that erase & not restore the logo back then? I guess I’ll try a total reload to see what happens. I’m pretty sure my program itself never did anything to turn off the logo!

Doesn’t the logo get restored if the new system software is reloaded (taking all the GHI provided steps to update BL & other netmf software)…its been a few months since I did that…did that erase & not restore the logo back then? I guess I’ll try a total reload to see what happens. I’m pretty sure my program itself never did anything to turn off the logo!


I guess so…I’m not sure how many ways there are to install the software…I thought I just followed the GHI instructions…Is the logo then gone for good ( usuing simple installation procedure, rather than by a running program). At least this might explain what happened

The logo is not part of the firmware! It is added by one of our demos.

I do not think that is important. What you need is to add something in your code to add your own logo. Which will cover both cases.