GHI Bluetooth Module and Windows Phone

@ devhammer -
Did you get it working with this Pano Head Application?
The Windows Phone Code of this App is for Windows Phone 8.0 and I have 8.1 on my phone, so I cannot use it without modifications. I could pair the Phone and the BT-Module but yet could not connect and establich a working socket connection.

I haven’t yet gotten to working on a phone client app. I simply downloaded one of the many BT serial client apps available for WP8.1 (I think the one I’m using is called BT Terminal) and use that to send the commands. It’s working very well for me.

I might get around to building a client app eventually, but for now this is working quite well.

Hello again,
BT Terminal works fine…
But here is what you searched for, I think

Coming soon on Codeshare

Only one thing does not work as it should. After closing the Connection it cannot be reopened without new pairing.
This seems to be an issue of Windows Phone 8.1 or the Rfcomm socket class of Phone 8.1.

Did anyone here find a solution for this issue?

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I’d have to test again, but I don’t think I had any issues with needing to re-pair to reconnect. Of late, I’ve been testing @ Justin’s Bluetooth SMART module (, which operates a little differently (instead of showing up as a COM port when you pair it, you have to use the BT GATT characteristics to access TX/RX), but once it’s paired, I’ve never had an issue connecting and sending/receiving. Great alternative, particularly since the GHI BT module is discontinued.

Do you - or anybody else - have a little example to show how to communicate from PC or Windows Phone to Justins BLE Module.
I have one of his modules in my box but did not yet take the time to try it.
Would be nice to see something on Codeshare.

Check out this post:

I’ve got a helper class I wrote to abstract some of this, and I’ll share it soon. I’m heading out at the moment, so I can’t get to it now.
