Getting started with the G120HDR, Programming and SDCards


I would like to upgrade my Panda project to the new G120. I will start with the HDR and have the basic requirements :

Programable over USB
SD Card so that I can save data, and access the data over USB
CANBus interface.

As the HDR has no connectors on it, do I simply need to order the following to make all the above work as a staring point:

USB Client SP Module
MicroSD Card Module
CAN DW Module

If I had all the above could I simply plug the units in (all at the same time) and then program the G120 and access the SD Card and CAN Interface exactly as I can with my existing Panda 2?


You will need to add few wires to the board itself. More info will be added to this page but take a look please GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software

Thanks Gus, I see that SD Card and CAN is currently not supported, any idea of a date this will be implemented (days or weeks)?

Regarding the extra wires, what would I need?

I would like to get going with this soon but I guess I need to wait for the CAN and SD code to be implemented.


Should be couple weeks

Hi Gus,

I have been watching the wiki pretty closely and it looks like most of the features are just about implemented. This being the case, and my original requirments still being the same, can you confirm if I simply need to order the following to start to use the G120HDR with CAN and an SDCard interface?

USB Client SP Module
MicroSD Card Module
CAN DW Module

If there is anything else that is needed to power or configure or communicate with the G120HDR please let me know, otherwise I will just order the above.


Yes but I recommend you get a set of breakout modules and get a get the DP module instead of SP.