Gadgeteer Sockets

I want to confirm my understanding of Gadgeteer sockets…

I am using a Cerbuino Bee which only has the three Gadgeteer sockets.

I need to hook up the Compass Module and the Gyro Module. Both require an “I” socket, but there is only one on the Cerbuino Bee.

I don’t see any modules such as the Hub AP5 Module that will provide an additional “I” socket.

Am I correct in concluding that I cannot use the Cerbuino Bee for this application (unless I use an Arduino header with an Arduino compatible compass or gyro)?

Correct. You will need to write the other socket using breakout. Our use a mainboard with more sockets :slight_smile:

Or use an extender and wire to the arduino headers…

I have an extender. But which pins on the Arduino headers should be wired to make an “I” socket"

Again, I have an extender, would like to wire one up to the Arduino headers to get an extra “I” socket on the Cerbuino Bee. Is there any documentation or guidance on which pins on the Arduino headers that I should hook into, or the software configuration to set up an additional “I” socket this way?


OK, here’s how to “fish” the answer on this one.

An I socket is for… I2C.

I2C is a bus. It relies on having devices connected to the bus with different I2C addresses. This means you can safely connect two devices at the same time, it’s only a matter of electrically connecting them…

From the above socket description, you can see that as a mandatory part of an I socket is two GPIOs (pin 3, interrupt capable, and pin 6) and then SDA and SCL (pin 8 & 9) which are the I2C bus connections. But that doesn’t mean your two devices use the other pins - if they do need either or both, you have to find an unused interrupt capable pin and a GPIO and connect appropriately (you may need to look at the data sheet and potentially the driver for the devices to understand if they’re used for things like a “data ready” interrupt line).

Then you need to consult the cerbuino bee circuit diagram and identify the I socket SDA and SCL pins are the same as the SDA and SCL pins on the Arduino headers and then connect them up to your extender/breakout module, and then connect your second device.