Gadgeteer Quad?

Might be :wink:


Mr DHL came this morning :whistle:


Nice! I want one of each!!!

Are you done yet? :wink:

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Nearly… :slight_smile:

Here’s how they stack…

Octopus - Expander (IMU) - xBee


@ Justin: very interesting. Where can I order :slight_smile:

btw: I have received my crazyflie from Bitcraze last monday. I’ll start assembling tomorrow I think.

@ Patrick - dont you want to wait until you have proof it flies :wink:

Look forward to the maiden flight video :slight_smile:

I’m fully convinced that it will fly, eventually :slight_smile: But keep up the good work!!

Maiden flight videos are always the best, just be sure the medical insurance is fully topped up.

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