Gadgeteer on

Gadgeteer now has a “Platform Hub” on, but it needs 25 followers and 10 projects before it will appear on the main list of platforms.

So, if you are a Gadgeteer fan, then please consider joining or logging in to and using the search box to find ‘gadgeteer’; click on the platform entry for Gadgeteer; and ‘follow’ it. That way, you will get notified of new Gadgeteer projects and help us along to being a first-class platform category on the site, which well help introduce more people to Gadgeteer and .net programming.

And if you have a past or ongoing Gadgeteer project, please consider sharing it on I am preparing a couple there now. It’s a bit like writing an instructables article, where you list a full recipe for others to reproduce or build upon your work, and it is a great way to support and grow the community.


Done. Lets start spreading the word.

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Done, some other interesting platforms, too.

That site is slow boy. Someone needs to tell em about CDNs


Edit: Here is direct link: [url][/url]

Done :slight_smile:

Done :slight_smile:

Well not really as I have to wait for my probation officers to approve a DukeNukem account on :wink:

If I am approved maybe I’ll put up some projects I’m working on to get things rolling. I do have mixed feelings about this as I like the GHI forums, but I know that gets exposure which is what I want for Gadgeteer so I expect there will be some duplication coming up.

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also done!

I was thinking about that too but I’ve come to the conclusion that its in the best interest of NETMF/Gadgeteer (and GHI) if we post projects to where they will get more visibility. Frankly, the GHI site doesn’t really have an equivalent feature for posting projects either. Next time I post something substantial, I’ll post to Hackster then link to that project in a post here.

Just my thoughts…

‘best interest of NETMF/Gadgeteer (and GHI) if we post projects to where they will get more visibility’

Or get lost in the “50,000 developers, makers and entrepreneurs who build projects”

I’d say post to both.

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Done and spread the word on twitter …

Now go do the same to - The community dedicated to learning hardware.


Done !!

Needs some TLC though

And how to get the GHI boards into the platform picker ?

Needs a better avatar than an empty white square

@ mtylerjr - What should we use?

@ Mr. John Smith - How about this?

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@ scardinale - I like it.

Ripped the icon from MFDeploy for NetMF 4.4

Gadgeteer now has a “Platform Hub” on, but it needs 25 followers and 10 projects before it will appear on the main list of platforms.[/quote]

Looks like we have the 25 followers. Now we need 10 projects!


@ mcalsyn - Looks like I’m follower number 25…do I get a prize? :wink:

Now we just need to get the projects increased.

I’ll see if I can find time to add one of my LED star projects.

EDIT: OK, maybe not #25, based on Ian’s post…perhaps the stats don’t update instantly.

@ mcalsyn - Looks like I’m follower number 25…do I get a prize? ;)[/quote]

Yup! You get the pleasure of adding the first project! :smiley: